Wood Chip Boiler

Large Scale 500kW – 3mW Wood Chip Boiler Installations

Renewable Living Ltd and Wood Pellet Solutions are pleased to introduce to the UK market the Bio Mobitek OÜ – a turnkey solution (Wood Chip Boiler) that combines minimum operation with low maintenance costs and has up to 97% efficiency rate. These heating systems are typically used for heating private homes and large apartment blocks, industrial buildings, farm buildings, etc.


For more information please call 01225 580401 or Email Us

The Bio Mobitek OÜ is everything that is needed for a high spec biomass installation in a box. (Container / Purpose Built unit) In brief, this includes: Fuel feed and silo equipment, Fuel feed equipment, Container for fuel silo and boiler plan, Automatic boiler control system and Optional auxiliary equipment, specified according to customer’s needs and technical requirements.


Produced in Estonia, this is the favoured installation for larger projects in Finland and Sweden and is now available to the UK market. Designed, manufactured and installed to your technical specifications and requirements.

wood chip

Additionally an automatic remote control system ensures safe and unmanned operation of the biofuel-powered boiler. (via Cellular / GSM or internet)

The products of Bio Mobitek OÜ include hot-water boilers with grate furnace with capacity 500 kW – 3 mW, which operate with fuels of various quality, moisture content and fraction:

-> wood chips, sawdust, shavings
-> milled and block peat
-> peat and wood granules
-> shredded stumps and bark
-> wood processing and construction waste
-> grain processing waste
-> other biofuels

A biofuel is a fuel that is produced through contemporary biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than a fuel produced by geological processes such as those involved in the formation of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, from prehistoric biological matter.

Wood Chip Boilers

Wood chip heating is becoming increasingly popular and is a fuel obtained by shredding tree trunks and branches, as well as cutting and wood processing waste.

wood chip boiler biomass

Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

Using the Renewable Heat Incentive it is possible to reduce your heating costs significantly over a 20 year period. Taking into consideration the cost of the capital equipment and a fuel costs over the period companies have been benefiting from significant reductions in their heating bills.

For instance a 998kW boiler using heat for 1314 hours in a year would receive £1,358,581 over 20 years or £67,929 per annum at 5.18p per kW. (November 2015)

Typically wood chip will cost 3p per kW to purchase, but this will vary by geographical location and order quantities. Clearly with a very large boiler you can get bulk discount. We do find that some research needs to be done to qualify the cost of fuel for each customer.

It may also be possible to self supply the wood and make your own chip. Typically the prices will fall to perhaps 2p per kWh assuming some cost of processing wood.

Typically a 998mW boiler would use between 350 and 400 tonnes of wood chip per annum.

Owners of such systems are finding that there is a payback of typically 5 years, assuming current fuel costs.

The benefit of these boilers are not only the value for money for a turnkey solution, but the superb efficiencies that can be gained from using these boilers.

For more information… please call 01225 580401 or Email Us

=> Trade and Large Installations Please Contact Renewable Living

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