Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

The Renewable Heat Incentive is a government backed scheme to promote the use of renewable heating. For wood pellet installations the the scheme applies to any property and installation that meets the schemes criteria.

For all installations below 45kW this will mean at least:

MCS accredited wood pellet boilers
MCS accredited installations

If your installation was completed after July 2009 then you may be eligible.

The scheme is split into domestic and non domestic properties.

Non domestic properties are community, commercial, charity and government owned properties e.g. hotel, community centre, care home, or where the heating serves more than one property e.g. farm with out buildings.

The non domestic RHI was introduced on 28th November 2011.

The rate for small biomass was 4.4p per kWh for the first 1314 hours.

The tariff is calculated on metered heat and by the rating of the boiler.

Boiler rating e.g. 50 kW  X  1314 Hours X 4.4p = £57,816

(note the tariff is updated with inflation and reviewed quarterly)

Eligible installations do include district heating for homes ie 2 or more domestic properties getting their heat from one boiler and for mixed use e.g. flats and offices receiving heat from one boiler.

You can make applications to Ofgem and you will be required to prove that you do qualify both in terms of your property being “non domestic” and your installation being suitable.

The tariff is adjusted on a quarterly basis based on the demand for pellet boilers. As of October 2014 the rate was reduced to 7.6p. for the first 1314 hours. As of January 2015 the rate will be reduced to 6.8p per 1314 hours, and from July 1 2015 the rate will be 4.4p. From October 2015 the rate for small biomass will be 4.18p

For the latest announcements go to:

As of 1 April 2015 the rate for small biomass will be reduced on the upper tariff to 5.87p per kWh

As of 1 July 2015 the rate for small biomass will be reduced on the upper tariff to 4.4p

The domestic RHI has been introduced as of 9 April 2014. It will also pay for the installation, the boiler and much of your heating. The introductory tariff for biomass was 12.2p per kw.

This is probably £160 per kW per annum for 7 years

For example

10kW boiler would get £1600 per annum or £11,200 in total

40kW boiler would get £6400 per annum or £44,800 in total

There is no need for a meter to be included, however if you do want a meter there is an extra £200 per annum available.

In order to claim the funds you need to have an approved boiler and installer. The MCS or Microgeneration Certification Scheme is a quality scheme that approves both boilers and installers for the RHI. For further details please see

Ofgem is handling the applications for the domestic scheme and full information for this can be found

We have a number of years of importing boilers and installing in the Wiltshire and surrounding areas. We can arrange for you to see a wood pellet boiler working from our training centre in Royal Wootten Bassett and show you how the RHI can work best for you.

As of 1 January 2015 the rate was reduced to 10.98p

From 1 April 2015 the rate will be 8.93p per kWh

From 1 July 2015 the rate will be 7.14p

From October 2015 the rate will be 6.34p