Wood Pellet Boiler By NES – Get Free Quote:01225 580401
=> The Burnit Set Addition For The WBS Active.
Wood Pellet boilers often compete on being “pretty” and being a welcome addition to a living room. Sometimes they are sold on being “Austrian”, the quality of the engineering, the features on the boiler and the good warranties. The Burnit Set on the other hand is not so pretty and does not have many features but it has become our best selling model. It is very solidly built and has a good sized hopper. It is straightforward to maintain, and is one of the best value for money boilers on the market.
The WBS Active boiler from NES has been designed to take a pellet insert (Pell) and this combination is called the “Burnit Set”
WBS Active 20/ Pell 25, WBS Active 25 / Pell 25,WBS Active 30/ Pell 25, WBS Active 40/ Pell 40,
WBS Active 50/ Pell 40, WBS Active 70/ Pell 70,WBS Active 90/ Pell 70, WBS Active 110/ Pell 90
So the WBS Active 90 – is a 90kW boiler. The Pell 70 is a 70kW burner. In combination this has an output of 60kW.
The Burnit Set has been recently modified in a small way to include turbulators. This increases the efficiency to over 90%.
The Pell burner does have 3 settings of modulation. This means that the boiler will adapt the flow of pellets to suit the heat demand.
NES Ltd also produce buffer tanks and thermal stores. In combination with this system this enables the boiler to work at its maximum efficiency whilst also allowing the end user to draw off the heat as required.
The pellet store and auger supplied with the boiler is 500l. For a smaller home this allows the user to fill up 300kg of fuel that can last for up to 1 month without going through the extra expense of needing an external fuel store. For larger applications we have used 2 boilers together e.g. 2 WBS 110/90Pell to heat practical work areas. In this situation we can use the hoppers provided to link to an outside store via an auger or vacuum system