Renewable Heat Incentive Update

The Renewable Heat Incentive programme has been updated. Firstly through a DECC ministerial statement on 11 June 2012.

The Renewable Heat Incentive Update Changes

This stated that current uptake of the non domestic RHI seems to be working ie there has has not been a deluge of applications. They have put in controls so that the monies do not suddenly run out like the FIT’s.

Greg Barker has also confirmed “longer term support” for households and said that the plans announced in March are on track.

The RHI has also been approved by the EU commission to be expanded to Northern Irleand. The scheme, which will be managed by the Northern Ireland Executive, will operate for maximum 20 years and will be worth an estimated £184 million (approximately €227 million), of which £25 million have already been allocated for the first five years. Its target is to reach a level of 10% of renewable heat by 2020. This implies an increase of 1.3 TWh over and above the 0.3 TWh of renewable heat currently produced in the territory.

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