Here’s a quick rundown of the renewable heat incentive tariff adjustment for non domestic heating.
Small commercial biomass tariffs have been adjusted as of 1/4/12.
From the previous rate of 7.9p the new rate is 8.3p for the first 1314 hours.
For instance if you installed a district heating scheme for an agricultural building and a farm house needing a 20 kW log boiler then your payments could be:
20 * 8.3 * 1314 (hours used) = £2181 per annum for 20 years or £43625 in total
The log boiler would need to be MCS accredited, along with the installation.
A standard log boiler installation tends to be between £7 and 10k.
If the installation is “complex” then there would be extra metering costs that would have to be taken into consideration.